Tuesday 26 August 2014


Tuesday 26 August 2014. 
[Malachi 3:17-18]
17. "And they shall be Mine," says the Lord of hosts, "In that day when I publicly recognize and openly declare them to be My jewels, (My special possession, My peculiar treasure.) And I will spare them, as a man spares his own son who serves him.
18. "Then shall you return and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him who serves God, and him who does not serve Him."

FAITH: (Galatians)
('Holy Bible', with personal commentary by Oral Roberts.)

In Galatians 3;10 Paul says that those under the "Law of Moses," were still under the curse. But now Christ, by hanging on the cross, Has redeemed us from the law's curse - so that the "blessing of Abraham" may be on us. By Abraham's faith, God gave him the blessing: "I will BLESS you, and I will MAKE you a BLESSING." 
In Hebrews 6:13-14 the New Covenant writer tells us that the blessing of Abraham is ours today: "Surely, blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply you."
Abraham's faith brought the "Blessing of God." That same faith was put into the Law of Moses - (see Hebrews 11), and through it the Law of Moses came into being to show the children of Israel: (1) A sense of their sin and their need of God, and (2) faith for a Redeemer to come. At its best, this is what the Law of Moses did; and through it those of faith started looking for the Messiah. It was this remnant, among them Mary, who brought Christ the REDEEMER to us, to die on the cross and REDEEM us from sin..... And to live in CHRIST, our Saviour and Lord.   
This is what Paul's letter to the Galatians is all about. We are to have faith in Christ's atoning work on Calvary and then by the "hearing of faith," enter into the life of Christ ... and to grow in it!

Dinsdag 26 Augustus 2014. 
[Maleagi 3:17-18]
17. "En hulle sal My tot eiendom wees," sê die Here van die leërskare: "Op die dag wat Ek skep, en Ek sal met hulle medelye hê soos 'n man wat wat medelye het met sy seun wat hom dien
18. "Dan sal julle weer die onderskeid sien tussen die regverdige en die goddelose, tussen die wat God dien en die wat Hom nie dien nie."

GELOOF. (Galasiërs)
('Holy Bible,' met persoonlike kommentaar deur Oral Roberts.) 

In Galasiërs 3:10 sê Paulus dat diegene wat onder die "Wet van Moses" was, nog onder die vloek is. 
Maar nou, deurdat Christus aan die kruishout gehang het, het Hy ons vrygemaak van die "vloek van die wet," sodat die "seën van Abraham" na ons toe kan kom. 
Deur Abraham se geloof het God hom geseën: "Ek sal jou SEËN, en ek SAL JOU 'n SEËN maak."
In Hebreërs 6:13 & 14, vertel die Nuwe Testament skrywer ons dat die seën van Abraham vandag aan ons behoort. 
"Wees verseker dat Ek jou sal seën en dat Ek jou sal vermeerder."
Abraham se geloof het die seën van God tot gevolg gehad. 
Dieselfe geloof is in die Wet van Moses ingebring - (Lees Hebreërs 11) Om aan die kinders van Israel te toon: (1) 'n bewuswording van hulle sondes, en 'n besef dat hulle God in hulle lewens nodig het, en (2) geloof dat 'n Verlosser sal kom. Dit is wat deur die "Wet van Moses," teweeg gebring is, en daarvolgens het die gelowiges begin uitsien na 'n Verlosser. 
Dit is deur hierdie oorblysel, waaronder ook Maria, dat Christus na ons gebring is, om ons te verlos deur aan die kruishout te sterf en ons van ons sondes te verlos... En om IN Christus te leef, ons Verlosser en God. 
Dit is waaroor Paulus se brief aan die Galasiërs gaan. Om bewus te word van Christus se boetedoening en versoening aan die kruis, sodat ons deur die "aanhoor van die geloof," Één met Hom kan word,....en in ons verhouding met Hom te groei.