[Numbers 23:19]
God is not a man, that He should tell or act a lie, neither the Son of Man that He should feel repentance or compunction (for what He Has promised). Has He said and shall He not do it? Or Has He spoken and shall He not make it good?
[Titus 1:2, 3a)
2. (Resting) in the hope of eternal life, (life) which the ever truthful God Who cannot deceive (lie), promised before the world or the ages of time began.
3a. And (now) in His own appointed time He Has made manifest (made known) His Word and revealed it as His message through the preaching entrusted to me .....
[Hebrews 6:18-20]
18. This was so that, by two unchageable things (His promise and His oath) in which it is impossible for God ever to prove false or deceive us, we who fled (to Him) for refuge, might have mighty indwelling strength and strong encouragement to grasp and hold fast the hope appointed for us, and set before (us).
19. (Now) we have this (hope) as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul (it cannot slip and it cannot break down under whoever steps out upon it -- a hope) that reaches farther and enters into (the very certainty of the veil,
20. Where Jesus Has entered in for us (in advance), a Forerunner, having become a High Priest forever after the order (with the rank) of Melchizedek.
Dinsdag 24 Februarie 2015.
[Numeri 23:19]
God is geen man dat Hy sou lieg nie; of 'n mensekind dat dit Hom sou berou nie. Sou Hy iets sê en dit nie doen nie, of spreek en dit nie waar maak nie?
[Titus 1:2, 3a]
2. In die hoop van die ewige lewe wat God, wat nie kan lieg nie, van ewigheid af beloof het,
3a. En op die regte tyd Sy Woord bekend gemaak het deur die prediking, ...
[Hebreërs 6:18-20]
18. Sodat ons deur twee onveranderlike dinge, waarin dit onmoontlik is dat God sou lieg, kragtige bemoediging kan hê, ons wat ontvlug het, om vas te hou aan die hoop wat voorlê.
19. En ons het dit as anker van die siel wat veilig en vas is en ingaan tot binnekant die voorhangsel -
20. Waar Jesus as Voorloper vir ons ingegaan het, Hy wat volgens die orde van Melgisédek 'n hoëpriester geword het vir ewig.
(God willing and by His marvellous grace and mercy, I will share the Word with you as often as I possibly can. /
As dit die wil van God is en deur Sy wonderbare genade en barmhartigheid, sal ek die Woord met u deel so dikwels as wat ek moontlik kan.)
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