Wednesday 8 January 2014


Wednesday 8 January 2014. 
[1 Corinthians 15:57] But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Wednesday 8 January 2014. 
Part 3.
It does not matter what your concerns or your problems are, God Has the answer and He will help you. 
If you believe that Jesus is the Son of God, and that the Father raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. We read the following in Romans 10:9-11,13: 
9. That if you confess with your mouth, the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God Has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 
10. For with the heart one believes to RIGHTEOUSNESS, and with the mouth confession is made to salvation. 
11. For the Scripture says: "Whoever believes on Him, will not be put to shame."
13. For: "Whoever calls upon the Name of the Lord, shall be saved."
As you will now realise, RIGHTEOUSNESS means to be in right standing with God. In short: you will now be able to communicate with God freely - now that you are in right standing with God. Jesus restored our communication with God, after Adam "messed up."  By suffering on the cross, Jesus could "wipe out" the unrighteousness of sin. Free communication with God was thus restored. BUT, then we must do the confession according to Romans 10:9-11. (We must believe with our hearts and say it with our mouths)
When you are in right standing with God, you can request that His Son Jesus Christ heal all your wounds and hurts, for instance: worries, fears, rejection, anxiety, -- self-pity, bitterness, smouldering hatred, repugnance and unforgiveness --with regards to things that happened in the past. Memories that keep on coming back - memories that can still bring back hurt. 
Tomorrow (if the Lord permits), I will be sharing with you about a young woman, who was sexually abused for many years when she was a child. Also how she later-on developed cancer. I believe it is because she was never freed from unforgiveness, and the "smouldering hatred" that she felt towards the man who abused her. Also because she still felt rejected and irreparably humiliated. 

Woensdag 8 Januarie 2014.
[1 Korinthiërs 15:57]. Maar God Sy dank, wat ons die oorwinning gee deur onse Here Jesus Christus. 

Deel 3.
Dit maak nie saak wat jou pla of wat jou probleem is nie, God het die antwoord daarvoor en Hy kan jou help. 
As jy glo dat Jesus die Seun van God is, en dat die Vader Hom uit die dode opgewek het, sal jy gered word. Ons lees die volgende in Romeine 10:9-11,13:  
9. As jy met jou mond die Here Jesus bely en met jou hart glo dat God Hom uit die dode opgewek het, sal jy gered word;
10. Want met die hart glo ons tot GEREGTIGHEID, en met die mond bely ons tot redding.
11. Want die Skrif sê: "Elkeen wat in Hom glo, sal nie beskaam word nie."
13. Want: "Elkeen wat die Naam van die Here aanroep, sal gered word."

Soos u kan aflei, beteken GEREGTIGHEID 'n regte verhouding met God, gemeenskap met God die Vader. In kort beteken dit dan dat u gedurig met God kan kommunikeer - dat u in 'n regte verhouding met God is. Jesus het ons weer in regte verhouding met God gebring nadat Adam dit "opgemors" het. Deur vir ons aan die kruis te sterf, kon Jesus "boete doen," en die ongeregtigheid van die sonde uitwis. Vrye kommunikasie met God is dus weer herstel. MAAR, dan moet ons die belydenis doen volgens Romeine 10:9-11 (Ons moet met die hart glo, en met die mond bely.)
As u in regte verhouding met God is, kan u Hom vra dat Sy Seun Jesus Christus al u wonde genees, byvoorbeeld: Bekommernis, vrees, verwerping, angs, selfbejammering, --bitterheid, haat, sluimerende woede, weersin en onvergewensgesindheid--betreffende dinge wat in u verlede gebeur het. Herinneringe uit die verlede wat steeds by u opduik en steeds seermaak. 
Môre (as dit die wil van God is), sal ek u vertel van 'n jong vrou wat as kind vir jare seksueel gemolesteer was.
Ook hoe sy later kanker opgedoen het omdat, (glo ek) sy nie vrygestel was van hierdie broeiende woede. weersin en onvergewensgesindheid jeens die man wat haar misbruik het nie. Seker ook omdat sy steeds gevoel het sy is verwerp en onherstelbaar verneder. 

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