Saturday 19 March 2016


Sunday 20 March 2016. 
(Luke 1:37)
For there is nothing which God is not able to do. 

1. English - (BBE Translation, and infillings from the Amplified Bible.)
(Mark 9:17-29)
17. And one of the number said to Him in answer: "Master, I came to You with my son, who has in him a spirit which takes away his power of talking;
18. "And wherever it takes him, it puts him down violently, streaming at the lips and twisted with pain; and his strength goes from him; and I made a request to Your disciples to send it out, and they were not able."  
19. And He said to them in answer: "O generation without faith, how long will I have to be with you? How long will I put up with you? Let him come to Me."
20. And they took him (the boy) to Him; and when he saw Him, the spirit in him straight away became violent; and he went down on the earth, rolling about and streaming at the lips.  
21. And Jesus, questioning the father said: "How long has he been like this?" And he said: "From a child.
22. "And frequently it has sent him into the fire and into the water, for his destruction; but if You are able to do anything, have pity on us, and give us help."
23. And Jesus said to him: "If You are able! All things are possible to him who has faith." 
24. Straight away the father of the child gave a cry, saying: "I have faith; make my feeble faith stronger!"
25. And when Jesus saw that the people came running together, He gave orders to the unclean spirit, saying to him: "You, spirit, who are the cause of his loss of voice and hearing, I say to you; come out of him, and never again go into him." 
26. And after crying out and shaking him violently, (giving a hoarse, clamoring, fear-stricken) shriek of anguish, it came out; and the child became like one dead (pale and motionless) so that most of them said: "He is dead."
27. But Jesus took (a strong grip) of his hand, and began lifting him up; and he stood. 
28. And when He had gone into the house, His disciples said to Him privately: "Why were we unable to drive it out?" 
29. And He replied to them: "This kind cannot be driven out by anything, but prayer and fasting."

Sondag 20 Maart 2016. 
(Lukas 1:37)
Want geen ding sal by God onmoontlik wees nie. 

2. Afrikaans - (Ou Afrikaanse Vertaling)
(Markus 9:17-29)
17. En een uit die skare antwoord en sê: "Ek het my seun wat 'n stomme gees het na U gebring;
18. "En waar hy hom ook aangryp, skeur hy hom; en hy kry skuim in sy mond, en hy kners met sy tande, en word styf; en ek het U dissipels gevra om hom uit te dryf, en hulle kon nie."
19. Toe antwoord Hy hom en sê: "O ongelowige geslag, hoe lank sal Ek by julle wees, hoe lank sal Ek julle dra? Bring hom na My toe."
20. En hulle bring hom na Hom toe, en toe hy Hom sien, laat die gees hom dadelik stuiptrekkings kry, en hy val op die grond neer en rol rond met skuim in die mond. 
21. Daarop vra Hy sy vader: "Hoe lank is dit al dat dit hom oorgekom het?" En hy sê: "Van sy kindsdae af;
22. "En dikwels het hy hom selfs in die vuur en in die water gegooi om hom dood te maak. Maar as U iets kan doen, ontferm U oor ons en help ons."
23. En Jesus sê vir hom: "Wat dit betref - as jy kan glo, alle dinge is moontlik vir die een wat glo."
24. En dadelik roep die vader van die kind met trane uit en sê: "Ek glo Here, kom my ongeloof te hulp!"
25. En toe Jesus sien dat 'n skare bymekaar stroom, het Hy die onreine gees bestraf en vir hom gesê: "Jou stom en dowe gees, Ek gebied jou:
Gaan uit hom uit en kom nooit weer in hom nie!"
26. En nadat hy geskreeu en hom baie stuiptrekkings laat kry het, het hy uitgegaan. En die seun het soos 'n dooie geword, sodat baie gesê het: "Hy is dood."
27. Maar Jesus het hom by die hand gegryp en hom opgerig; en hy het opgestaan.
28. En toe hy in die huis kom, vra Sy dissipels Hom afsonderlik: "Waarom
kon ons hom nie uitdrywe nie?"
29. En Hy sê vir hulle: "Hierdie geslag kan deur niks anders uitgaan as deur gebed en vas nie."

(God willing and by His marvellous grace and mercy I will share the Word with you, as often as I possibly can. /
As dit die wil van God is en deur Sy wonderbare genade en barmhartigheid, sal ek die Woord met u deel, so dikwels as wat ek moontlik kan.)
Cell phone photo taken in our garden

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