Sunday 3 April 2016


Thursday 5 May 2016. 
(Acts 1:8a)
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you. 
(Acts 1:1-8)
1. In the former account (which I prepared), O Theophilus, I made (a continued report) dealing with all the things which Jesus began to do and to teach,
2. Until the day when He ascended, after He through the Holy Spirit, had instructed and commanded the apostles (special messengers) whom He had chosen.  
3. To them also He showed Himself alive after His passion (His suffering in  the garden and on the cross) by a series of many convincing demonstrations (unquestionable evidences and infallible proofs), appearing to them during forty days and talking (to them) about the things of the kingdom of God. 
4. And while being in their company and eating with them, He commanded them not to leave Jerusalem but to wait for what the Father had promised; of which (He said): "You have heard Me speak.
5. "For John baptized with water, but not many days from now you shall be baptized with (placed in, introduced into) the Holy Spirit."
6. So when they were assembled, they asked Him: "Lord, is this the time when You will reestablish the kingdom and restore it to Israel?"
7. He said to them: "It is not for you to become acquainted with, and know what time brings (the things and events of time and their definite periods) of fixed years and seasons, (their critical niche in time), which the Father Has appointed (fixed and reserved) by His own choice and authority and personal power. 
8. "But you shall receive power (efficiency, and might) when the Holy Spirit Has come upon you, and you shall be My witnesses in Jerusalem and all Judea and Samaria and to the ends (the very bounds) of the earth."
9. And when He had said this, even as they were looking (at Him), He was caught up, and a cloud received and carried Him out of their sight.  
10. And while they were gazing intently into heaven as He went, behold, two men (dressed) in white robes suddenly stood beside them, 11. who said: "Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing into heaven? This same Jesus, Who was caught away and lifted up from among you into heaven, will return in (just) the same way in which you saw Him go into heaven. 

Donderdag 5 Mei 2016. 
(Handelinge 1:8a)
Maar julle sal krag ontvang wanneer die Heilige Gees oor julle kom. 

(Handelinge 1:1-8)
1. Die eerste verhaal, Theófilus, het ek alles opgestel oor wat Jesus begin doen en leer het;
2. Tot op die dag dat Hy opgeneem is, nadat Hy aan die apostels wat Hy uitverkies het, deur die Heilige Gees bevele gegee het; 
3. Aan wie Hy ook ná Sy lyde, Homself lewend vertoon het deur baie kentekens, terwyl Hy gedurende veertig dae aan hulle verskyn het, en oor die dinge van die koninkryk van God gespreek het.  
4. En toe Hy nog met hulle saam was, het Hy hulle beveel om nie van Jerusalem weg te gaan nie, maar om te wag op die belofte van die Vader, "Wat julle," het Hy gesê: "Van My gehoor het.
5. "Want Johannes het wel met water gedoop, maar julle sal met die Heilige Gees gedoop word, nie lank ná hierdie dae nie."
6. Die wat bymekaar gekom het, vra Hom toe en sê: "Here, gaan U in hierdie tyd die koninkryk vir Israel weer oprig?" 
7. En Hy antwoord hulle: "Dit kom julle nie toe om die tye en geleenthede te weet, wat die Vader deur Sy eie mag bepaal het nie;
8. "Maar julle sal krag ontvang wanneer die Heilige Gees oor julle kom; en julle sal My getuies wees in Jerusalem, sowel as in die hele Judéa en Samaria, en tot aan die uiterste van die aarde."
9. En nadat Hy dit gesê het, is Hy opgeneem terwyl hulle dit sien; en 'n wolk het Hom voor hulle oë weggeneem. 
10. En toe hulle nog stip na die hemel kyk terwyl Hy weggaan, staan daar twee manne in wit klere by hulle, 
11. wat sê: "Galilése manne, waarom staan julle en kyk na die hemel? Hierdie Jesus wat van julle weggeneem is in die hemel, sal net so kom soos wat julle Hom na die hemel sien wegvaar het."

(God willing and by His marvelous grace and mercy, I will share the Word with you, as often as I possibly can.  /
As dit die wil van God is en deur Sy wonderbare genade en barmhartigheid, sal ek die Woord met u deel, so dikwels as wat ek moontlik kan.) 

Many thanks to whoever posted this very relevant and powerful statement of Reinhard Bonnke on Face Book. 

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