Thursday 28 April 2016

ON THE ROAD TO EMMAUS, Second section ... / OP PAD NA ÉMMAÜS, Tweede gedeelte ...

Monday 2 May 2016. 
(Psalm 18:35)
You give me Your protective shield; Your right hand supports me; Your willingness to help enables me to prevail.  
ON THE ROAD TO EMMAUS, Second section ...
(Luke 24:26-39)
26. "Wasn't it necessary for the Christ to suffer these things and enter into His glory?"
27. Then beginning with Moses and all the prophets, He interpreted to them the things written about Himself in all the Scriptures. 
28. So they approached the village where they were going. He acted as though He wanted to go farther, 
29. But they urged Him: "Stay with us, because it is going toward evening and the day is almost done." So He went in to stay with them. 
30. When He had taken His place at the table with them, He took the bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them. 
31. At this point their eyes were opened and they recognized Him. Then He vanished out of their sight. 
32. They said to each other: "Didn't our hearts burn within us while He was speaking to us on the road, while He was explaining the Scriptures to us?"
33. So they got up that very hour and returned to Jerusalem. They found the eleven and those with them, gathered together,
34. And saying: "The Lord Has really risen, and Has appeared to Simon!"
35. Then they told what had happened on the road, and how they recognized Him when He broke the bread. 
36. While they were saying these things, Jesus Himself stood among them and said to them: "Peace be with you."
37. But they were startled and terrified, thinking they saw a ghost.  
38. Then He said to them: "Why are you frightened, and why do doubts arise in your hearts?
39. "Look at My hands and My feet; it's Me! Touch Me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones like you see that I have!"

Maandag 2 Mei 2016. 
(Psalm 18:35)
Ook het U my die skild van U uitredding gegee, en U regterhand het my ondersteun, en U neerbuigende goedheid het my groot gemaak. 

OP PAD NA ÉMMAÜS, Tweede gedeelte ...
(Lukas 24:26-39)
26. "Moes die Christus nie hierdie dinge ly en in Sy heerlikheid ingaan nie?"
27. En Hy het begin van Moses en al die profete af en vir hulle uitgelê in al die Skrifte die dinge wat op Hom betrekking het.  
28. Daarop kom hulle naby die dorp waarheen hulle op reis was, en Hy het gemaak of verder wou gaan. 
29. Maar hulle het by Hom aangedring en gesê: "Bly by ons want dit is amper aand en die dag het gedaal;" en Hy het ingegaan om by hulle te bly. 
30. En toe Hy met hulle aan tafel was, neem Hy die brood en dank; en Hy breek dit en gee dit aan hulle.  
31. Toe is hulle oë geopen en hulle het Hom herken, en Hy het uit hulle gesig verdwyn. 
32. En hulle sê vir mekaar: "Was ons hart nie brandende in ons toe Hy met ons op die pad gepraat en vir ons die Skrifte uitgelê het nie?"
33. Toe staan hulle in dieselfde uur op en gaan na Jerusalem terug, en vind die elf en die wat saam met hulle bymekaar was,
34. Wat sê: "Die Here het waarlik opgestaan en het aan Simon verskyn." 
35. Toe vertel hulle wat op die pad gebeur het, en hoe Hy aan hulle bekend geword het by die breking van die brood. 
36. En terwyl hulle hieroor praat, staan Jesus self in hulle midde en së vir hulle: "Vrede vir julle!"
37. Toe het hulle verskrik en baie bang geword en gemeen dat hulle 'n gees sien. 
38. En Hy sê vir hulle: "Waarom is julle ontsteld en waarom kom daar twyfel in julle hart op?
39. "Kyk na My hande en My voete, want dit is Ek self. Voel aan My en kyk; want 'n gees het nie vlees en bene soos julle sien dat Ek het nie."

(God willing and by His marvelous grace and mercy, I will share the Word with you, as often as I possibly can.  /
As dit die wil van God is en deur Sy wonderbare genade en barmhartigheid, sal ek die Woord met u deel, so dikwels as wat ek moontlik kan.) 
Many thanks for this very inspiring photo and words from the: Jerusalem Prayer Team.   
Thank you also to Mary Lynch who shared this on Face Book. 

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